Sex-diary writer expected to leave jail

Freematt357 at Freematt357 at
Wed Sep 17 08:49:09 PDT 2003

In a message dated 9/17/03 10:57:55 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
camera_lumina at writes:

> Actually, it's quite 
> possible that these writings might be the very thing preventing him from 
> "needing" to do anything in real life. Writing is known to have this 
> function in many, of sublimating urges that might otherwise be 
> acted upon.

This Brian Dalton weirdo being local I've read all the media coverage and he 
was encouraged to write his fantasies down in a diary by his therapist-  The 
parents found the diary and went to the authorities stupidly thinking that 
they'd try to get him additional help-  the help came in the form of charges of 
pandering obscenity, although he didn't show the diary to anyone.

I have a friend who won a county prosecutor election about ten years ago, and 
he told me the prevailing theory on child predators is that no therapy works 
and the best strategy is to try to get them the maximum time in jail thus 
keeping them from being able to abuse more children.

Of course this case has obviously violated the first amendment, this guy 
didn't abuse actual children, just wrote a rather sick and twisted story about 
keeping kids locked in cages in a basement for sexual entertainment.  Knowing the 
power structure as I do they care jack shit about the constitution, but 
rather about practical ways to keep predators off the street.

I noted that the Dalton was also ordered to have no Internet access, which is 
interesting as he didn't do an Internet crime. His diary was in handwritten 
print form.  

Regards, Matt-

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