ABC Smuggles depleted Uranium into US...

Tyler Durden camera_lumina at
Thu Sep 11 09:30:56 PDT 2003

I think that it's becomming clear that in order for Americans to feel safe 
US troops should morph into an international Police force. Next stop: 


"The ABCNEWS suitcase containing the uranium was placed in a teak trunk 
along with other furniture put in a container in Jakarta, Indonesia, a city 
considered by U.S. authorities to be one of the most active al Qaeda hot 
spots in the world. The container was shipped to Los Angeles in late July, 
just one week before the bombing of the Jakarta Marriott Hotel that killed 
12 people.

Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge has claimed major improvements in port 
security, in part because of enhanced vigilance overseas. "So that our 
borders become the last line of defense, not our first line of defense," 
Ridge said in a speech last week. He said the United States was increasing 
security "thousands of miles away, long before a container is first loaded 
on a ship."

But in Jakarta, ABCNEWS producers David Scott and Rhonda Schwartz found that 
the chest in which they had placed the depleted uranium was never opened or 
inspected before being sent on to Los Angeles. "

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