unintended consequences: Davis recall leads to US internal passports

Neil Johnson njohnsn at njohnsn.com
Wed Sep 10 21:51:27 PDT 2003

I have a pretty good excuse

(As I duck behind a flame retardant barrier.. :) )

My brother-in-law and his wife are law-enforcement officers.

Seems that implies that I may have some bias against defendants.

Neither the prosecution or the defense want to deal with it.

Most people I know who end up on juries end up in civil cases.

They never get actually get to participate in the trial, they just have to 
show up for selection then visit or call the court house daily and are 
eventually told they're are excused because the parties usually settle 
out-of-court and have been using the threat of going to trial as a 
negotiating tactic.

Neil Johnson
PGP key available on request.

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