Random musing about words and spam

Vincent Penquerc'h Vincent.Penquerch at artworks.co.uk
Wed Sep 3 07:37:14 PDT 2003

> However, I immediately abandoned the idea, as a quick glance over the
> content of my legitimate email - to and from developers, 
> technical mailing
> lists, etc., revealed that almost all of my legitimate email 
> also contains
> seemingly random bits of gibberish and pseudowords.

You can still do it and use such a rule with SpamAssassin or others,
while keeping a low score so that it slightly influences the results
but not too much.
Haven't tried it, but Bayesian filters might score good on that kind
of real text with random whole phrases, as tech email usually mixes
the two together (most spams I get that use these code letters do it
all at once, not interspersed with other normal text).

Vincent Penquerc'h 

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