e voting (receipts, votebuying, brinworld)

BillyGOTO billy at dadadada.net
Tue Nov 25 17:05:20 PST 2003

On Tue, Nov 25, 2003 at 03:26:18PM -0800, Tim May wrote:
> (I fully support vote buying and selling, needless to say. Simple right 
> to make a contract.)

What's your take on this situation, then:

BOSS:  Get in that booth and vote Kennedy or I'll fire you.  Take this
       expensive camera with you so you can't pull any funny business.

If it were illegal for me to bring the camera, this would be an
unenforceable order.  I'll do whatever the hell I want when I get into
the booth, thank you very much.  Good for me.  Good for everybody.

He with the most slaves should not automatically win the election.

Right Tim?

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