[cs/0305035] P is not equal to NP (fwd)

BobCat bob.cat at snet.net
Sun May 25 01:12:32 PDT 2003

From: "Tim May" <timcmay at got.net>

> >>>> http://xyz.lanl.gov/abs/cs.CC/0305035

> BTW, the crank paper was already withdrawn "by the author" at the LANL
> site by the time I went to look at less than an hour ago.

Versions 1 and 2 are still up.


His employer is poor at math, too. Or maybe he just gets SSA disability

"Disclaimer: This article was authored by Craig Alan Feinstein in his
private capacity.

No official support or endorsement by the Social Security Administration or
the United

States is intended nor should be inferred."

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