The Dickheads Like Queensland.

Professor Rat. profrv at
Fri May 16 23:17:49 PDT 2003

FBI delegates gather for Gold Coast conference

Concerns about increased terrorist activity in south-east Asia are not 
expected to deter delegates from an FBI conference, which opens on 
Queensland's Gold Coast this weekend.

Four-hundred delegates from throughout Australia, south-east Asia, the 
United States and the United Kingdom are expected to attend the five-day 
conference to discuss the latest strategies in dealing with terrorism and 
international crime.

The Department of Foreign Affairs has has issued reviewed travel advice for 
Singapore, the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Brunei, East Timor and 

However, Superintendent Paul Stewart of the conference organising committee 
says that is not expected to impact on delegate numbers.

"We still have delegates from south-east Asia that are attending the 
conference," he said.

"Certainly no one has pulled out of the conference or anything like that 
... it's still going ahead."

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