This disc will self-destruct in 48 hours.

jburnes jburnes at
Fri May 16 16:08:29 PDT 2003

On Friday, May 16, 2003, at 04:30 PM, Major Variola (ret) wrote:

> That is the warning The Walt Disney Co. (NYSE:DIS - news) will issue
> this August when it begins to "rent" DVDs that after two days become
> unplayable and do not have to be returned.
> Buena Vista hopes the technology will let it crack a wider rental
> market, since it can sell the DVDs in stores or almost anywhere without
> setting up a system to get the discs back.
> However, the disc can be copied within 48 hours, since it works like 
> any
> other DVD during that window.

Stupid.  This will probably encourage piracy -- not to mention the 
large amount
of plastic trash generated by the oxidized disks.

j burnes

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