Fatherland tries to tie pot to 'terrorists'

Mike Rosing eresrch at eskimo.com
Fri May 16 14:07:20 PDT 2003

On Fri, 16 May 2003, Tyler Durden wrote:

> I guess there aren't many (currently) pot-smkoing persons on this list.

You think most of these posts are by sober people??

> Apparently, pot is the number 2 cash crop in the US, after soy.
> As a result of Reagun era "war on drugs", pot-growers moved indoors and also
> in the process created new monster breeds of reefer that render the best
> hash we had in the 70s "lemonade".

Not really.  In the 70's people would toke leaf.  Now everyone
knows that's pointless.  The THC content of hash has been relativly
constant for the past 1000 years.  The flavor and distribution of
canabinoids is more varied now, so the "high" is different between
body effect and mental effect (and now we know why too - the receptors
in the cerebelum are different than those in the frontal lobes, but
are designed for the same brain chemical that canabinoids mimic).

> Apparently, some counties in the deep south have tossed out elected sherrifs
> that were hostile to pot growers and installed "friendlier" ones. Look for
> counties were pot busts went from X to zero in a short time.

Yeah, there's a few counties in Tennessee where they can't get a jury
to convict anyone for growing pot, so the feds have to request the
trial in other places.  But only the feds bother :-)

> Actually, there are some technologies used by some pot growers that are
> probably of interest to Cypherpunks. Apparently, Route 95 is now famous for
> growers who move up and down between states to their various grow-locations,
> each one without enough pot to merit long term jail time. If one of the
> locations are entered, the most sophisticated growers are alerted
> electronically, and never return to tha location again. One wonders what
> cryptographic protocols are being used by said growers, and whether growers
> are able to use them properly.

Probably not crypto related, just sensor/transmitter.  Most growers
are moving to Canada tho, it looks like Canada will go decrim this year
or next.  "Yeah, it's my private plot.  That one is my brother's and
that one is my mom's!"

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

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