changes at

Adam Back adam at
Mon May 12 13:51:35 PDT 2003

Do you filter on the same header that you build the white-list from?

Ie I forge all of my mail, it's really coming from ABack at; but
I want replies to adam at

I've encountered other "subscribers only" situations where my mail
gets bounced because they look too deeply at the headers and see the
received line or Sender so something is ABack at and block it
even though the From line is adam at, and I subscribed as
adam at


On Mon, May 12, 2003 at 01:03:05PM -0700, Eric Murray wrote:
> On Mon, May 12, 2003 at 03:21:05PM -0400, Trei, Peter wrote:
> > I hope you whitelist known regular posters. I subscribe to
> > minder, but often post thru lne.
> I guess it's been a while since I set this up, so people
> have forgotten.
> There's a "whitelist" that has subscribers to all
> the CDRs, anonymous remailers, and anyone that
> has ever posted to any CDR (assuming we got the mail).
> It's not often that there is a non-spam post from
> a sender that isn't on the whitelist-- when there is, I
> forward it and put the sender on the list.
> The idea is to filter out the spam without requiring moderation.
> Eric

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