Why are there so many statists and communists here on this list now?

John Young jya at pipeline.com
Fri May 2 15:18:42 PDT 2003

Matt Breland wrote:

>Besides - what's the fucking point of supporting freedom of speech if you
>telling people to shut up? You're dangerously close to sounding like those 
>cranks who claim they're being patriotic by attacking the Dixie Chicks for 
>their speech.
>If it's not for useful discussion, just let us know. We'll all leave, and
>can continue spreading the good word to precisely nobody.
>One of the worst things about this wonderful invention we call the
Internet is 
>that so many people choose to listen only to those they already agree with.

Well said. But don't leave, get combative, truth comes out by hammer blows
not friendly persuasion. Telling people to shut up is a national craze reports
the Wall Street Journal, like aroma therapy.

Tim is customarily wide minded about most things, including who
posts here. When he goes on the attack, though, its purposeful, 
usually to hot poker fat-ass noodling. 

Don't expect from Tim polite disagreement, far less polite agreement.
Nobody is in charge here, nobody is the man. Everybody is a bull shitting
loser, or a loon, as Tim anoints his taunters reflexively. Choate is the 
norm, goddam mule, vainly stubborn and resistant to reason as you'd
expect of any coddled American self-indulgent supremacist racist 
ignorant peasant who believes he's an unrecognized Mensa. Give
a fool money and he's a genius, and often a crank to ward off

Best to stay alert to getting your ass rasped if you get lazy, or presume 
this vile extreme fighting pit a comfortable refuge.

Fuck such fake-wrestling fools to death, as the old fart might snarl --
just before he blows their pea-brains out to make a barbeque stew
stirred with cactus in a vat of dragon-fire jalapenos. 

Statist, communist, those old word farts are over if you're under 30.

Whatever happened to the iron-gut cypherpunk who was blackbelt in 
gobbling jalapenos?

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