(Bald) Weenies at Amnesty International

Eric Cordian emc at artifact.psychedelic.net
Thu Jun 19 17:38:55 PDT 2003

Turns out the scumbags at Amnesty International have decided to call for
the Canadian government to investigate and charge Ernst Zundel for not
kowtowing to the official version of "The Holocaust(tm)" as promulgated by
the ADL.

Zundel has been sitting in jail in Canada after being booted out of the US
at the behest of the Neocons in the state department for missing an
imigration hearing that was never scheduled.  Canada is trying to deport
him to Germany, as a "national security threat," where he may be
persecuted under German anti-free speech laws.

Amnesty has also issued a statement saying that it is their policy that
they will "not adopt people imprisoned for 'hate speech' as prisoners of
conscience."  Well, that certainly covers a lot of territory, doesn't it.

Figuring out what country and what group of people try to get all
criticism of their conduct labeled as "hate speech" will be left as an
exercise for the reader.


Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

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