Dead Body Theatre

Sarad AV jtrjtrjtr2001 at
Fri Jul 25 06:01:10 PDT 2003

May be the information provided by the informant was
wrong and it ended up that a 14 year kid along with 3
iraqi  adults got killed and in order to prevent
further outrage among iraqi's,the white house decided
on playing its cards  to its advantage.They didn't
confirm their DNA test as yet-funny.

Regards Sarath.

--- Dave Howe <DaveHowe at> wrote:
> Eric Cordian wrote:
> > Now that the new standard for pre-emptive war is
> to murder the
> > legitimate leader of another sovereign nation and
> his entire family,
> > an "artist's rendering" of Shrub reaping what he
> sows would surely be
> > an excellent political statement.
> I am not sure these two were murdered as saddam's
> sons (although obviously
> they were, and were no doubt given priority over
> equally worthy targets)
> but as authority figures in the former government.
> That they were also (if
> they could be captured) bloody useful hostages
> against actions by their
> father probably didn't go without notice either.
> However, if strafeing an occupied house with
> helecopter gunships, rocket
> launchers and heavy machine guns after a cursory
> "surrender or die" is
> ignored, based on military intel (which as the WMD
> fiasco shows is
> worthless if the PR spin department are demanding
> raw access to unfiltered
> intel and filtering, not on reliability but on
> closeness of match to the
> desired outcome) is to be the new standard, I
> suspect a suicide bombing of
> the white house (killing all the staff and the
> shrub) would now be "ok"
> provided they shouted 'surrender or die' first, yes?

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