[fc-announce] FC '04: Call for Papers

Juels, Ari ajuels at rsasecurity.com
Wed Jul 23 09:51:27 PDT 2003

Call for Papers and Presentations 

Financial Cryptography '04 
9-12 February 2004 
Key West, Florida, USA 
Conference Web site: http://ifca.ai/fc04 

Important dates: 
Conference: 9-12 February 2004
Submission deadline 1 September 2003 23h59 GMT 
Author notification 15 November 2003 
Pre-proceedings version due 15 December 2003 

Original papers and presentations on all aspects of financial-data security
and secure digital commerce are solicited for submission to the Eight Annual
Conference on Financial Cryptography (FC '04). FC '04 will bring together
researchers and practitioners in the financial, legal, cryptologic, and
data-security fields to foster cooperation and exchange of ideas. In
addition to novel scientific research as in previous years, the program for
FC '04 will include sessions on digital finance and economics and on secure
financial systems and digital-cash architectures. For the systems and
finance sessions, submissions must have a visible bearing on
financial-security issues, but need not be exclusively concerned with
cryptography or security. Possible topics for submission to the various
sessions include:
Research Sessions: Submissions accepted to the research portion of the
conference will be published in full in the conference proceedings (up to 15
pages in total). 
Systems and Finance Sessions: For the systems and finance portions of the
conference, the primary emphasis is on presentation. For accepted
submissions in these sessions, a one-page abstract will be published in the
conference proceedings. 
Submissions to the systems portion of the conference may include
architectural descriptions and/or accounts of industry or technical
experience with implementations of secure digital commerce systems.
Presentations may concern commercial systems, academic prototypes, or
open-source projects for any of the topics listed above. Where appropriate,
software or hardware demonstrations are encouraged as part of the
presentations in these sessions. 
Contributions to the systems and the finance sessions of the conference need
not necessarily include novel contributions in the realm of scientific
research, nor must they concern financial cryptography or security
exclusively. They must, however, reflect careful thought and effort and
provide valuable, up-to-date experience that is relevant to practitioners in
the fields of financial cryptography and security. Submissions to these
sessions may consist of a short summary of work of one to six (1-6) pages in
Instructions for Authors: Complete papers (or complete extended abstracts)
must be received by 23h59 GMT on 1 September 2003. All papers must be
submitted electronically. (In exceptional circumstances, paper submissions
can be accepted, but special arrangements must be made with the program
chair prior to 1 August 2003.) Papers must be formatted in standard
PostScript, PDF format, or MS Word, and should be submitted electronically
according to the instructions at http://www.ifca.ai/fc04/ prior to the
deadline. Submissions in other formats will be rejected. Papers should be
submitted electronically according to the instructions at
3>. Papers may be submitted through the submission form available at
Submissions to the research portion of the conference may include at most
fifteen (15) single-spaced standard pages in length. Submissions to the
systems and finance portions of the conference must be short summaries of
work consisting of at most six (6) single-spaced standard pages in length.
(As indicated above, for accepted submissions in these latter sessions, a
corresponding one-page abstract will be published in the conference
proceedings.) Author names and affiliations on submissions must be explicit.
In other words, submitted papers should not be anonymized. Submissions must
include on the first page the title of the paper, the names and affiliations
of all author, a brief abstract, a list of topical keywords, and a
conference-session category (research, finance, or systems). Papers must
describe original work. For the research portion of the conference,
submission of previously published material and simultaneous submission of
papers to other conferences or workshops with proceedings is not permitted.
Authors of research papers found to be doubly submitted risk having all
their submissions withdrawn from consideration as well as other appropriate
The conference proceedings containing all accepted submissions will be
published in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
series after the conference. A pre-proceedings containing preliminary
versions of the papers will be distributed at the conference. For accepted
submissions, at least one author must attend the conference and present. In
addition, authors of accepted submissions must prepare the pre-proceedings
and final proceedings version - a full paper or one-page abstract, as
appropriate -- and sign an IFCA copyright form
<http://www.ifca.ai/documents/copyright.html>. Questions about paper or
panel submissions should be directed to the program chair
(ajuels at rsasecurity.com).

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