Idea: The ultimate CD/DVD auditing tool

Tyler Durden camera_lumina at
Wed Jul 9 11:35:16 PDT 2003

"Actually I thought humans are insensitive to phase relations, modulo
inter-aural timing at low frequencies for spatial location.  Perhaps
that is what you meant?   But spatial location isn't the same as the
frequency-fetishing audiophiles go for."

Au contrare...frequency accuracy vs spatial resolution is the classic 
Uncertainty principal in high end.

A real high-end system present the ear with a truly 3-D soundscape...some 
instruments are clearly in the foreground, some are clearly in the 
background, and some are even higher than others. With a good recording, the 
hall ambience is also there. Put a great live recording on a great high-end 
sound system and "you are there".


>From: "Major Variola (ret)" <mv at>
>To: "cypherpunks at" <cypherpunks at>
>Subject: Re: Idea: The ultimate CD/DVD auditing tool
>Date: Wed, 09 Jul 2003 10:59:39 -0700
>At 07:15 PM 7/8/03 -0700, Mike Rosing wrote:
> >To produce 65kHz (for cats) my present boss prefers a 1 MHz sample
>Do cats buy a lot of audiophile equiptment :8=||
> >The human hearing system is capable of noticing phase relations at
> >rates.
>Actually I thought humans are insensitive to phase relations, modulo
>inter-aural timing at low frequencies for spatial location.  Perhaps
>is what you meant?   But spatial location isn't the same as the
>audiophiles go for.  To do that well you need casts of the outer ear
>You doing owl-type studies on auditory localization?  Audio-visual
>and plasticity?   Making the cats wear funky glasses?

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