
Tim May tcmay at
Wed Jan 8 19:10:02 PST 2003

On Wednesday, January 8, 2003, at 06:06  PM, AARG! Anonymous wrote:

> Re- which software does big letters, I can just say that I am appalled 
> by the ignorance.
> It's the standard unix "banner" program, some 20 years old.
>               ##                                      #

I remember it from the late 60s, well over _30_ years ago. (I know 
because a famous Playmate from around 1967-68, Myers was her name IIRC, 
  was very widely printed out circa 1970, and probably earlier.)

But Tyler and all the other wet-behind-the-ears children are no doubt 
impressed by the "retro" look.

Fer shure!

--Tim May

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