Vengeance Libertarianism

Tim May timcmay at
Tue Dec 30 22:49:43 PST 2003

On Dec 30, 2003, at 10:01 PM, jal at wrote:

>> (This space reserved for former Marxist and now neocon standard-bearer
>> James Donald to foam that I am a Saddam lover and a supporter of
>> Chomsky.)
> I will say that I was a a former marxist. This is not to bow at the 
> feet
> of some better method, nor to trivialize the past.
> My awakening, as it were, actually happened here, for better or worse.
> Tim, Hal, Lucky, Uni and to some extent Detweiler all helped
> form my view. More than a few others. This was back in '93, mostly. At
> least, the founding, for me was then. I know some things happened later
> (I saw Uni present his Coke Presentation in 2002 for the first time),
> and I became concerned with business, or at least companies that wanted
> cash, and to be a business later.

I never went through a Marxist phase, never even came close. This 
despite entering college in 1970, this despite going to a school where 
the dominant paradigm was leftist (UC Santa Barbara).

I occasionally wonder what my perspective might be had I ever held 
leftist, collectivist thoughts. Oh well, I'll never know.

Thirty years ago I _was_ more charitable about the various groups which 
claim to have been aggrieved, and I dutifully referred to negroes as 
"blacks," argued earnestly with doubting leftists about the importance 
of the profit motive, cited semi-leftists who had reasonable things to 
say about capitalism and liberty and the Constitution.

But over the years, as I have seen a huge chunk of money taken from me 
at gunpoint and given to welfare skanks, inner city negro mutants, gay 
activist buttfucker San Francisco queer groups, foreign nations with 
dictators like Hussein (both of them), Mubarek, Amin, Meir, Rabin, and 
a hundred others, and as education has declined while the pigeons 
demand more handouts...I have become what I call a "vengeance 

While certain theoreticians of 30 years argued for silly ideas about 
how how it is "immoral" to land on another's balcony while falling from 
a building, because the property rights had not been negotiated, and 
thus argued that even self-defense is fraught with moral problems, 
another camp of us were developing the idea that vengeance is good, 
that crypto anarchy will not only let some of us "withdraw from the 
system," a la Galt's Gulch, but also it will let us execute justice on 
those who stole from us.

For every negro welfare momma who took money for the past number of 
years, tell her to pay it all back, with compounded interest, or face 
time in a labor camp to repay what she stole. And if she cannot, or 
will not, which is ovewhelmingly likely, harvest her organs (if any 
takers can be found) and send the leftovers up the smokestacks.

Ditto for the queers who have collected "public health" funds to pay 
for their sodomy. (I have no issue with their choices of partners, 
except that the diseases they contract via their habits, and their 
inability to work, is their problem, not mine. And not any 
corporations, except by the choice of that corporation.)

Vengeance libertarianism is the rational kind. It will result in 20-40 
million of the leeches, the bums, the minority grifters, the so-called 
aggrieved, the winos, the addicts, all being sent up the chimneys.

Hitler had only minor reasons to go after the Jews (many of them had 
manipulated the economy to favor Jews while also preaching a "no 
defense" loser strategy to their untermenschen), we have much more 
reason to go after the tens of millions of underpeople who have been 
using their thugs in government to steal from us. We have much more 
justification today to liquidate the parsites than Hitler ever had.

As for government, I estimate that 99% of those in Congress and 
government agencies in the past 40 years have earned killing. Of 
current Congressvarmints, only two seem to be not guilty. Of low-level 
employees, a bunch are just willing dweebs, and may be able to work off 
their debts in a labor camp for a decade or two. But probably the 
cleaner solution is just to do a thermonuclear cauterization of the 
region surrounding Washington and start fresh from there with a very 
limited government that honors the Constitution instead of catering to 
negroes and queers and welfare addicts.

Crypto anarchy will make delivering justice to  tens of millions a 
reality. The world will learn a lesson when we burn off these 

--Tim May
"Extremism in the pursuit of liberty is no vice."--Barry Goldwater

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