unsub from lne

Tim May timcmay at got.net
Mon Dec 29 11:48:17 PST 2003

On Dec 29, 2003, at 9:42 AM, Harmon Seaver wrote:

>    Hmm, maybe Eric needs to undo his spam filter so people can unsub 
> from
> lne.com. I just tried to, but it was rejected as undeliverable "spam". 
> Tried
> sending it thru a remailer but don't know if majordomo will go for 
> that.

An unsubscribe command sent to the lne.com administrivia address was 
rejected as spam?

I find that hard to believe, as that is one of the normal commands, 
ones which the lne regular message lists.

Perhaps you tried to send an unsubscribe message to the actual lne.com 
list site, rather than the administrivia address.

Check which address you mailed to.

--Tim May

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