I am anti war. You stupid evil scum are pro Saddam.

Bill Stewart bill.stewart at pobox.com
Sun Dec 21 13:13:47 PST 2003

At 08:14 AM 12/21/2003 -0500, Michael Kalus wrote:
>He won't be put in front of the ICC as the US never signed on to it.
>So this one is out.
>That leaves either an American Tribunal or an Iraqi one. In either case
>they should adhere to US procedures as they are based on them.

But this isn't an American war or occupation.  It's a war by the Allies,
including the US, Great Britain, and the Coalition Of the Willing,
and the UK and most of the COWs are responsible for bringing this to the ICC.
That means it's either the Iraqis that get to try Saddam and hang him,
or else the Americans have to pretend that they weren't pretending
that this was an international effort.

(Did Iraq join the ICC?)

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