U.S. in violation of Geneva convention?

BillyGOTO billy at dadadada.net
Thu Dec 18 11:40:35 PST 2003

On Thu, Dec 18, 2003 at 07:18:04PM +0000, Jim Dixon wrote:
> Relevant numbers from the Times today, quoting Air Force Monthly, January
> 2003:  from 1980 to 1990 Iraq imported 28.9 billion pounds worth of
> weapons.  19% by value were from France; 57% from the Soviet Union (ie
> Russia), East Germany, and Czechoslovakia; 8% from China.  Sales from the
> United States were inconsequential and did not make the list.  From
> earlier articles in other publications I believe that in fact US sales
> were a small fraction of 1%.

I smell statistical acrobatics by the USAF...
Do we really measure weapons in pounds?

I'd rather see a listing of weapons imports from JUST the period of
the Iran-Iraq war than a listing of weapons imports from 1980-1990.

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