U.S. in violation of Geneva convention?

privacy.at Anonymous Remailer mixmaster at remailer.privacy.at
Wed Dec 17 20:40:34 PST 2003

On Wed, 17 Dec 2003, BillyGOTO wrote:

>> Nice, but the problem still remains: At this point it doesn't matter 
>> what he has done (or we say he has done). This is not a punishment. 
>> "Innocent until proofen guilty" anyone? This is the basis for the 
>> "enlightened" western society, no?

>This isn't a ski mask burglary.  We KNOW Saddam ruled Iraq.
>We KNOW what crimes were committed.  Simple syllogism.

I think you might have forgotten about the other half the system, due process. Even if you "KNOW" something, you've got to go through the motions. 

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