TSA/FBI No-Fly Nexus

J.A. Terranson measl at mfn.org
Tue Dec 16 22:40:24 PST 2003

Terrorism: The New Aviation Threat

Since I started loading this video stream I am now watching several hours
ago, I no longer remember where I saw the link I clicked on that has allowed
me to watch this without buying it :-(  But the regular purchase link is

This presentation by an FBI Counterintel agent (Art Cummings) is mostly a
standard promo for the bureau, a bunch of rah-rah, we're great, terrorists
suck, etc., but he opens with a firm statement that the TSA no-fly list is a
direct product of the FBI itself ("we feed the information to TSA").

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't the FBI stated several times (and
in several places) that TSA's list is their own, and that FBI has nothing to
do with it?

Does this data provide anything for John's suit?

J.A. Terranson
sysadmin at mfn.org

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