cpunk-like meeting report

Tim May timcmay at got.net
Sun Dec 14 18:36:12 PST 2003

On Dec 14, 2003, at 6:07 PM, proclus at gnu-darwin.org wrote:

> Hi, I've been admiring your and Tim's contributions, and I was 
> wondering if
> either of you were planning to subscribe to the (new) news list.
> http://lists.cryptnet.net/mailman/listinfo/cpunx-news
> Be sure and check the archive before posting.  It is still small.

No, we don't need a "cpunx-news" list. This is what Google and the 
ability to see hundreds of various lists and sites is for.

"News" lists tend strongly to be just dumping grounds for crap from 
other lists.

> Otherwise, if anyone could recommend additional good sources for
> cypherpunk-related news, I'd be very grateful, because I don't feel
> right about cross-posting news items to cypherpunks list.  I'm already
> subscribed to the Cryptome rdf channel, Politech, and GNU-Darwin of
> course.  I don't think I'm interesting enough for Interesting
> People ;-}.

I failed the entrance exam for "Interesting People," which is fine, for 
obvious reasons.

--Tim May

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