Speaking of Reason

ken bbrow07 at students.bbk.ac.uk
Thu Dec 11 02:35:16 PST 2003

R. A. Hettinga wrote:

> At 4:57 PM -0800 12/9/03, Eric Murray wrote:
>>I pretty much agree with your views, minus the racism and misogny.
>>On days that the brilliant thoughtful Tim posts, I'm in awe.
>>When Tim the asshole posts, I'm disgusted.  Unfortunately
>>these days the latter Tim isn't letting the former Tim
>>near the keyboard very often.
>>>Fuck you dead. Fuck all of you Bolshies dead.
>>Ok, bye!
>>Eric (just to make it crystal clear, Tim's going in my _personal_ killfile)
> To quote a famous flying squirrel, that trick never works. Tried it myself
> a few times over the years, and one usually misses too much of what this
> list is for, as you noted yourself, above.

Truth, maybe unfortunate truth.

Of the list mails I've bothered to keep locally, Tim's are a 
larger proportion than anyone else's.

> Unfortunately, if you want to read Tim, you have to read his evil twin
> Skippy, too.
> Living in *his* killfile, on the other hand, and if he actually uses it,
> can be useful. Try it, you'll like it.

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