ALTA/DMT privacy [was: Re: (No Subject)]

Freematt357 at Freematt357 at
Wed Dec 10 21:26:02 PST 2003

In a message dated 12/10/2003 10:34:22 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
timcmay at writes:

> I receive several messages a month saying I need to re-verify 
> information with an E-gold account (which I never recall establishing, 
> by the way).
> If I ever determine that E-Gold personnel have faked an account on my 
> behalf,

You're a moron Tim. Everybody here probably gets the scammers messages, I get 
e-gold and paypal cons on regular basis-  E-gold never advertised itself as 
anything other than what it is, a bailee. What e-gold is really good is for is 
micropayments and I have personally found it good for making payments 

I know the principals involved, and I've personally viewed one of their 
vaults and the gold, etc. is really there.

Regards,  Matt-

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