ALTA/DMT privacy [was: Re: (No Subject)]

Nostradumbass at Nostradumbass at
Wed Dec 10 12:19:56 PST 2003

At 10:37 AM 12/10/2003, James A. Donald wrote:
On 9 Dec 2003 at 0:47, edo wrote:
>> What I'm curious about is digital currencies. Can anyone
>> speak about the Digital Monetary Trust or DMT? I'm sorry I
>> have not read the last upteen years of mail archives, but I'm
>> interested in what people think NOW about Orlin Grabbe, DMT,
>> e-gold etc.


>None of these accounts provide Chaumian anonymity, which means
>they can track identity, which means they must track identity,
which costs them.

>However one can withdraw, and deposit, physical gold, which
actually is anonymous, and provides a physical mix, since one
gold atom looks very like another. 

E-gold and other DGCs do not do much if any due diligence in checking account holder identification, so if you use an effective proxying means (e.g., an open Wi-Fi hotspot) to create and access your accounts you are pretty safe.  If you fund you accounts using money orders, you may be safe (depending on whether you've employed others to purchase the money orders or your physical identity is being captured at the money order agent during the transaction).

Although ALTA/DMT doesn't support blinded tokens, it does support tokens.

ALTA/DMT does have a certain degree of un-linkability in that once accounts are deleted all db references in the system to that account are also deleted from all ALTA/DMT dbs.  This means if value is transferred from account A to Account B and subsequently Account A is deleted all traces of the transaction should be unlinked from Account B.  It also means if you delete an account with a balance, accidently or otherwise, the money is gone.

Two e-gold exchange agents have announced either formally or informally that they will now transact with ALTA/DMT.  I beleive thay both accept money orders for fuding.  Money can be withdrawn using e-gold and/or ATM cards either directly supporting ALTA/DMT ( or e-gold.

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