Decline of the Cypherpunks list...Part 19

Freematt357 at Freematt357 at
Mon Dec 8 11:08:06 PST 2003

In a message dated 12/7/2003 10:58:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
timcmay at writes:

> My generation was very active, on all sides. The droids born after 
> about 1980 are mainly followers. Probably what the nose rings are for.

Hey Tim, why don't you continue your activism and make an attempt to get your 
writing into more places where generation X might find it. If they are truly 
droids surely you with your grand intellect could be become their pied piper, 
leading their revolution.

You might feel better venting to the cloistered culture here on CP, but what 
good does that do?

Regards,  Matt-

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