The Word Spy for 08/28/2003 -- darknet

Tim May timcmay at
Fri Aug 29 11:18:41 PDT 2003

On Friday, August 29, 2003, at 10:45  AM, Major Variola (ret) wrote:

> At 09:47 AM 8/29/03 -0700, Tim May wrote:
>> Certain Californians will say that the "Darknet" allegedly coined in
>> 2002 by these guys is clearly a misspelling of "Blacknet," coined for
> Maybe the NAACP got upset..

Why would colored people care about some honkey mofo using "black"?

--Tim May
"The State is the great fiction by which everyone seeks to live at the 
expense of everyone else." --Frederic Bastiat

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