US soldiers in Iraq held against their will

Thoenen, Peter CIV Sprint peter.thoenen at
Wed Aug 20 10:20:15 PDT 2003

Tyler Durden wrote:

> Peter Thonen wrote..
> "On that same note, any weekend warrior who complains about being 
> activated has
> no sympathy from me.
>  Take the devils coin, be prepared to do his work also."
> Well, what if the Devil stole that $ from you in the first place? What 
> level of subversion is appropriate in order to re-appropriate those $$$? 
> -TD

That is the same logic I use to justify to myself working as a defense contractor.  The amount uncle 
sam will pay me in my lifetime is greater than or equal to the amount I will ever actually pay him 
in taxes.  I win in the long run :)


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