US soldiers in Iraq held against their will

Harmon Seaver hseaver at
Mon Aug 18 07:02:31 PDT 2003

On Mon, Aug 18, 2003 at 04:52:25PM +0200, Thoenen, Peter CIV Sprint wrote:
> On a semi related side note, how long has this guy been in (total length of 
> service)?  All personnel when they join the US Military are quite clearly 
> informed they have an 8-year commitment, regardless of how long their 
> initial enlistment is.  If your initial commitment is less than 8 years, 
> you are moved into the Inactive Ready Reserve (IRR) for the remainder of 
> the 8 years. (E.g. you enlist for 4 years active or ready reserve (weekend 
> warriors); you will also spend 4 years in IRR).

   This is the guard. 

> On that same note, any weekend warrior who complains about being activated 
> has no sympathy from me. Take the devils coin, be prepared to do his work 
>  also.

   Yup - I don't have any sympathy for him being called up and sent over, but
when the contract is over, the law says they have to release him and can't
extend his hitch. 

Harmon Seaver	

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