Blackout in NYC

Sarad AV jtrjtrjtr2001 at
Fri Aug 15 07:49:28 PDT 2003


There wasn't much of traffic congestion on the
manhatten roads when they showed the images on bbc.
The manhatten road network is used in examples of
deflection routing. Also roads every where should be
like that :-)

In India during  summer-we have around 8 hours of
power cut daily.

For a moment think of all the iraqi's with  power
grids taken out now enjoying the 120+ farenhiet sun. A
few hours of luxury was gone and it was breaking news
in bbc.


--- John Young <jya at> wrote:
> Quiet here in New York City, thousands walking in
> the streets, auto
> traffic is pleasantly minimal along upper Broadway.
> Traffic lights inoperative, as well as computers
> except for laptops such as this.
> Telephones working. Portable radio says the outage
> is due to
> northeast electrical grid failing. Not terrorist
> related, it is termed a "natural" outage due to
> overload.
> One report said the cascading outage began at a
> sub-station in 
> NYC, another says it started in Canada.
> Mayor Bloomberg says that power is now starting to
> come back,
> a bit at a time as the individual elements of the
> grid are restored,

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