Fw: Re: Secure IDE?

Bojan bojan at japi.co.yu
Thu Aug 14 06:27:58 PDT 2003

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From: "Ralf-P. Weinmann" <rpw at uni.de>

On Wed, Jul 30, 2003 at 04:20:37PM -0400, Trei, Peter wrote:
> ABIT has come out with a new motherboard, the
> "IC7-MAX3" featuring something called 'Secure
> IDE', which seems to involve HW crypto in the
> onboard IDE controller:
> >From the marketing fluff at
> http://www.abit.com.tw/abitweb/webjsp/english/news1.jsp?pDOCNO=en_0307251
> 	"For MAX3, the ABIT Engineers listened
> 	to users who were asking for information
> 	security. SecureIDE connects to your IDE
> 	hard disk and has a special decoder;
> 	without a special key, your hard disk cannot
> 	be opened by anyone. Thus hackers and
> 	would be information thieves cannot access
> 	your hard disk, even if they remove it from your
> 	PC. Protect your privacy and keep anyone
> 	from snooping into your information. Lock
> 	down your hard disk, not with a password,
> 	but with encryption. A password can be
> 	cracked by software in a few hours. ABIT's
> 	SecureIDE will keep government
> 	supercomputers busy for weeks and will
> 	keep the RIAA away from your Kazaa files."
> No, I have no idea what this actually means either.
> I'm trying to find out.
> Peter Trei

40-bit DES in ECB mode sounds even more great. It's them
Enovatech guys again.

See here:


Ralf-P. Weinmann <rpw at uni.de>
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  ( | )        c'ya                                    . o          ( | )
   \|/         Sharkey                                \___/          \|/
  `-^-'                                                             `-^-'
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