Computer Voting Expert, Dr. Rebecca Mercuri, Ousted From Elections Conference

Steve Schear s.schear at
Wed Aug 6 12:20:30 PDT 2003

At 09:46 2003-08-06 -0700, Tim May wrote:
I was intensely opposed to the gibberish about how the Republicans "stole" 
the Florida vote, for multiple reasons. First, the Dems wanted to change 
the rules after the outcome went against them...they wanted "hanging chads" 
counted in their favor (ultimately, of course, this wouldn't have even 
swayed the outcome, as careful studies by newspapers showed). Second, they 
wanted the Elections Commission to somehow adjust the outcome based on exit 
interviews with little old Jewish ladies who claimed they wanted to vote 
for Algore but who actually voted for Pat Buchanan or Jeffery Dahmer or 
whomever it was that was opposite Chad Gore on the ballot (note that 
Democrats designed the ballot). Third, they wanted only precincts known to 
be leaning toward Chad Gore recounted from scratch. (I would have _opposed_ 
a statewide recount on general common sense and legal grounds, too, but for 
sure I was aghast at the proposal to only recount selected precincts: 
"We'll keep recounting until the outcome fluctuates in our favor!")

This was certainly a farce, but the decision by the SC to intervene was 
worse.  The matter should have been thrown into the House of Representative 
where the Constitution has provisions for its resolution (or lack thereof).


"Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders 
itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide."  John 

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