Quarantines may be justified

Jim Choate ravage at einstein.ssz.com
Wed Apr 30 16:58:10 PDT 2003

On Wed, 30 Apr 2003, Sunder wrote:

> While we're at it, there should be a law against noisy kids playing in
> your neighbor's back yard,

If it's not your backyard then it's none of your business. If it is look
into trespass and such. Being a minor won't protect them.

> postmen who step on your lawn,

There is, postmen are responsible to trespass. I have some dogs and my old
postman had a problem with it, to the point of actually attacking one of
my dogs and chasing it around my yard. He got away with it by claiming my
dog attacked him. I moved my mailbox out to the street (there is a 3ft
easement that is considered a public/utility way) and talked to the local
postmaster general. It was made clear that if he stepped into my yard I
would press trespass. Both the postmaster and the local police agreed that
was legal.

[rest of your dumbass bullshit deleted]


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