Quarantines may be justified

Sunder sunder at sunder.net
Wed Apr 30 09:11:02 PDT 2003

Aparently you didn't think a bit longer before replying.  Might I ask,
where have I ever professed to be a libertarian, or for that matter
affiliated with ANY political party?

You've missed the forest for the pine needles.  Congrats, you've joined
Choate in my filter list. :)  Enjoy your stay.

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--------_sunder_ at _sunder_._net_------- http://www.sunder.net ------------

On Wed, 30 Apr 2003, Harmon Seaver wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 30, 2003 at 09:03:43AM -0400, Sunder wrote:
> > 
>   (more idiotic bullshit deleted)
> > 
> > 
> > Should we really be able to make up our own definitions and turn things
> > which merely annoy us into crimes?  Think about it a bit longer before
> > you reply again.
> > 
>    "merely annoy"? Excessive noise, or smoke, or chemical pollutants are not
> mere annoyances, they are detrimental to health and safety and are physical
> assaults, and anyone has a moral right, at least, to use force to protect
> themselves from such. If it weren't for the fact that I'd get arrested, I'd
> certainly have no moral qualms whatsoever about blowing away a smoker on the
> street, or the guy with the loud stereo, or the farmer next door whose ag
> chemicals ended up in my well water. People who are that inconsiderate of others
> don't belong in the gene pool. 
>     And what I'm seeing a lot of lately are people who profess to be
> libertarians who see nothing wrong with forcing others to smoke along with them,
> or listen to their choice of music, or disturb other people's peace and
> quietude, or even forcefully poison other people's land and water. Especially
> when it's done in the name of profit, eh? 
>     The LP's stance on the Iraq war was more or less the last straw for me, but
> certainly the attitudes of people like yourself have helped me to see the error
> of my ways, i.e., voting libertarian the last 15 years or so. And, of course,
> the statements from idots like Hettinga rejoicing in the looting of Iraq's
> museums so "it can all go to the highest bidder" helped a lot. 
>     It's really funny how many people I've talked to recently who were all
> excited about the libertarian freestate movement until I told them that those
> people would sell off all the public parks to the highest bidder, not to mention
> trash all the environmental laws. 
>     But it's all pretty irrelevant anyway, as is the LP. Just another dead horse
> that very few people will ever vote for. Crypto-anarchy might actually get
> somewhere, but the LP won't. 
> > 
> > On Wed, 30 Apr 2003, Harmon Seaver wrote:
> > 
> > >    Being assaulted by others smoke, noise, chemical pollutants or whatever is no
> > > different than being assualted by their fist. I find it more than a little
> > > amusing that most of the so-called "libertarians" I come across haven't the
> > > slightest clue that their "freedom" ends at my personal space. One of the main
> > > reasons I no longer contribute to the LP and probably won't vote for any more LP
> > > candidates, since most libertarians seem to express the attitude of "Fuck
> > > everybody else, I can do whatever I want."
> > 
> -- 
> Harmon Seaver	
> CyberShamanix
> http://www.cybershamanix.com

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