Finder's Keepers, Smartcards, Anon Cash [Re: double-spending prevention w. spent coins]

Trei, Peter ptrei at
Wed Apr 30 07:52:59 PDT 2003

> Jim Choate[SMTP:ravage at]
> On Sat, 26 Apr 2003, Major Variola (ret) wrote:
> > One of the attributes that a digital currency system MAY have is
> > whether someone who finds lost currency may spend it.   Conventional
> > cash has this property.  So do tickets to performances, lottery
> > tickets, bus tokens, prepaid phone cards etc..
> > A (tamper-resistant) smartcard may have this
> > 'finders keepers' property, or may not.
> And anyone with two halves of a clue to rub together will only use a
> system that -won't- allow this. Who in their right mind is going to give
> money away...
So Jim, you have no coins in your pocket, or bills in your wallet?
The 'Finders-Keepers'  attribute greatly enhances non-traceability, 
while putting the onus for security on the holder. It's a tradeoff, 
like so many things.

Peter Trei

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