Mike Hawash

Tim May timcmay at got.net
Tue Apr 29 19:06:11 PDT 2003

On Tuesday, April 29, 2003, at 05:44  PM, Declan McCullagh wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 29, 2003 at 04:12:40PM -0700, Tim May wrote:
>> He was an illegal combatant because he did not actually enter a 
>> country
>> we were not actually at war with, whose government was not actually 
>> the
>> force behind the 9/11 attack.
>> Using the psychics employed by the CIA, America has deduced that he 
>> may
>> have been _thinking_ about entering Afghanistan, even though he 
>> didn't.
> You're forgetting the many anonymous tipsters, including his neighbors
> (at least one in the pay of the Feds, I recall) who reported on
> Hawash. One alleged he was wearing "eastern" garb and had let his beard
> grow after 9-11. Other evidence included one of the "Portland Six" 
> having
> Hawash's telephone number written on a business card or something 
> similar.

Don't forget the copy of the Koran they found when the ninjas raided 
his house. That alone justified the holding without charges, without 
bail, without access to a lawyer. Habeas Corpus never recovered from 
that creep Lincoln's attacks..it was good the fucker got offed.

Gee, I also have a beard, and a copy of the Koran, and I lived in 
Hillsboro, Oregon. I hope the Fedz never learn that I have ricin and 
sarin formulas on my computer, sarin ingredients in my kitchen, that I 
know Steve McGeady from the Hackers Conference, and that I once worked 
with Jim Bell when we were both at that hotbed of terrorist plotting, 
Intel Corp.

--Tim May
"To those who scare peace-loving people with phantoms of lost liberty, 
my message is this: Your tactics only aid terrorists."  --John 
Ashcroft, U.S. Attorney General

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