what moral obligation? (Re: DRM technology and policy)

Major Variola (ret) mv at cdc.gov
Tue Apr 29 09:36:48 PDT 2003

At 02:23 PM 4/29/03 +0100, David Howe wrote:
>Yup. and copy protected audio "non cds" such as the more recent album
releases are actually
>an attempt to prevent you using your fair use rights, which are of
course legal, without
>performing an illegal circumvention of the protection under the terms
of the DMCA.

Actually, non-standard CDs sold with the CD logo are fraudulent, since
they violate
a published standard which the logo implies.  I'm surprised this avenue
hasn't been
taken legally.

The non-CD publishers are of course free to sell what they wish, but
they can't claim
standards-compliance, which they do.

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