The secret government marches on...

Harmon Seaver hseaver at
Thu Apr 10 06:53:44 PDT 2003

On Thu, Apr 10, 2003 at 04:14:26AM -0400, Steve Furlong wrote:
> On Wednesday 09 April 2003 23:35, Harmon Seaver wrote:
> Regarding GW Bush flying a planeload of coke:
> >    Don't have the URL's handy, but I've read at least a couple of
> > webpages giving dates, plane used, airports, etc.
> (rest of the coke-inspired yet still insipid fantasy deleted)
> Let me guess, the URLs were for DemocraticUnderground, al Jazeera, and 
> Indymedia?

   Actually not. At least one was a site that seemed to be run by Birchers, or
at least all the rest of the stuff looked like JBS.

Harmon Seaver	

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