H.D. Motorcycle sweepstake

Win-a-Bike announce at harleyfanclub.com
Tue Sep 17 00:53:59 PDT 2002

Free signup limited seats available. Make sure
you grab this golden opportunity while still valid.
Enter the Harley-Davidson VISA sweepstake.
Join Harley-Davidson Visa Sweepstakes

Signup and enter to win a F-r-e-e bike. What
are you waiting for?

Why buy a bike? You could easily win a Harley!

This is not a dream. Just signup and get approval
online and enter the Harley-Davidson Visa sweepstakes.
(Valid to U.S. residents age 18+ only)
YES, 2 simple steps to win a Bike. Monthly drawing.

No sign up, No monthly fee, easly approval, anybody
can join to win a bike. What are you waiting for?


Dave Kawasaki
announce at harleyfanclub.com
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