The War Against People Without Hangups

Eric Cordian emc at
Sun Sep 15 13:00:21 PDT 2002

Because Rep. Foley has "dirty" thoughts while thinking about little girls
on the Web, everyone else is going to have to pay.

Puritanism is the continual worry that someone, somewhere, is having a
nice feeling you don't approve of.


AP National Writer
September 15, 2002, 1:28 PM EDT

NEW YORK -- The photos on the Web sites portray no nudity and no sex, yet
men by the thousands pay to ogle them -- shots of preteen girls posing in
bikinis and halter tops.

Defended as free speech by some, such pictures are being blasted as a "fix
for pedophiles" by a congressman who is waging an uphill campaign to
banish them from the Internet.

The pool of photos is growing "at an unabated pace," said U.S. Rep. Mark
Foley, R-Fla.

Foley has authored a bill, now before the House Judiciary Committee,
intended to shut down the Web sites by outlawing "exploitive child
modeling." Even he concedes, however, that the measure has potential
loopholes, and anti-censorship groups say it would likely be struck down
as an unconstitutional infringement of free expression.


Foley isn't swayed by arguments that any abuse of child models could be
prosecuted under current laws. "Taking care of the problem after it occurs
-- that's when the child is found dead or raped," he said. "My bill is an
attempt to ward off problems before they occur."


Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

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