Indyjournos a go go.

Matthew X profrv at
Sat Sep 7 09:51:56 PDT 2002
Four filmmakers - one from IMC South Africa, 2 from IMC Italy and one from 
IMC New York, narrowly escaped arrest in Cape Town, South Africa this morning.
The 4 were filming a strike by privatised water workers at the request of 
the workers. Workers were fearing the heavy police presence and harassment 
during their strike.
The 4 IMC people were arrested and then de-arrested. An autonomist lawyer 
was negotiating with cops on the phone when the 4 saw they were about to be 
arrested again. They got into their cars.

The cops shouted to the security to keep the gates of the water plant locked.

The four intrepid filmmakers were then forced to bust through the gates in 
their cars, having to bash them five times. One got everything on film! 
Expect a preview soon. Unfortunately after this the workers were all 
arrested. It seems they have been taken to a far away cop station to 
prevent their friends, the Mandela Park Anti-Eviction Campaign, from 
marching on the police station. However, as they are SA Municipal Workers 
Union members the union should be able to get lawyers to get them out today.
WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP: Especially in France - please hold protests at 
Suez Lyonnaise offices. This is the worlds worst water multinational. They 
did terrible things like raise prices 300% in Buenos Aires and cut off to 
the poor. We need to expose them internationally. It is not for nothing 
that the Cape Town workers are striking partly over poor wages but also to 
have the plant nationalised.
Please publish to the South Africa Indymedia site details of your protest - 
we will pass the info on to workers. To contact the workers in custody call 
Max on +27 73 1546555
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