Minister in charge of information former spy.

Matthew X profrv at
Wed Sep 4 23:18:03 PDT 2002

"Giving the task of convincing Polish citizens about European Integration 
to a person who not so long ago was in the secret service, fighting against 
institutions of the Free World brings discredit not only to the idea of 
country's integration but hits Poland's prestige abroad."
--The Law and Justice party (PiS), on the confession by the Polish minister 
in charge of information that he was formerly a member of the communist spy 
Who's watching you? A surveillance society
Computer databases already have a lot on us: Credit cards keep track of 
airline ticket purchases and car rentals. Supermarket discount programs 
know our eating habits. Libraries track books checked out. Schools record 
our grades and enrollment....( CNN, 4 Sep 02)
Pay day on live TV for the first of Colombia's informants
The first people in Colombia to win rewards for informing on rebels 
appeared on live television yesterday, wearing balaclavas and baggy clothes 
to hide their identities, to receive bundles of cash.....( The Telegraph, 4 
Sep 02)
The FBI and Albert Einstein
A 22-year campaign of spying and slander by the FBI against Albert Einstein 
is traced in this recently published book.....( World Socialist Website, 3 
Sep 02)
China Sea spy ship to yield its secrets later this month
Japan says it expects to raise a suspected North Korean spy ship from the 
bottom of the East China Sea as early as September 11.....( ABC, 3 Sep 02)

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