AU State prosecutes Schizophrenic.Third cPunk trial.Their funeral.

Matthew X profrv at
Mon Sep 2 06:25:48 PDT 2002

A man diagnosed with Schizophrenia 20 years ago and drawing an 80% 
incapacitated pension has been charged with making death threats toward the 
States police force.
The alleged threats were made last year at Melb Indymedia website as 
comments to articles.The police themselves have said that "anyone can 
download there."
No logs used to be kept at the site nor have they been subpoenaed.Are logs 
kept today?
No registration or log in is required.A post made will not leave a trace on 
the machine used to e-mail it in.This can be tested by making a cryptic 
post with some random numbers and then logging off and running a search on 
the 'C' drive.
No admissions being made,the Police are relying of two copies of posts as 
evidence.They obtained these copies from a 'ghost' copy of a seized 
laptop.The laptop was at the accused's place when he was arrested by a 
multi agency and International police task force.
One of the copied posts is timestamped;the time does NOT match the post,the 
other copy looks like a saved screen dump.The threat in that second one 
concerns Molotovs;within the week of that post Italian police had planted 
Molotovs at a Genoa Indymedia address.They then invaded the address 
injuring many and smashing computers.One has admitted he lied about being 
attacked with a knife.
The complaining officer in the AU matter the same week is named Nic Conte.btw.
He appears to be of mediterranean appearance
The post was made with a US SS agent within TEMPEST range of the subjects 
unit.The police had keys to all the 8 units for a week during this time.The 
suspects computer had been hacked it had been boasted on the main Indymedia 
A reward for info leading to the suspects arrest had been offered,it was 
for 25K.
The suspect had been imitated,stalked,threatened and abused online in the 
two months leading up to the arrest.Items were allegedly stolen from the 
unit that the suspect accused the police of lying to gain entry too.
A psych nurse who attended the arrest and had previous access to the 
computer met the police involved.The media were notified.Suspect was 
described as an,M1 'protestor',he later managed to get two retractions of 
that claim in two local papers.
A knife was allegedly pulled on the suspect at the station by Conte.The 
suspect was kept in a windowless police lockup for the weekend after he 
refused to sign several bail conditions.The jail has since been 
condemned,the bail conditions were described by the Magistrate on the 
Monday as a 'Nonsense",with,"nothing to do with the charges,"(the charges 
at that time.) The suspect was accused of promoting assassination 
politics,he was called an anarchist as if that was a criminal offence.
Seven Months after the raid the suspects medical treatment was the subject 
of a Federal police assault.One of the AFP officers who had been at the 
raid went to Kyneton and plotted to increase the suspects prescribed 
medication 3/4 times.
When the suspect resisted he was almost committed.A short time later he 
tried  at great expense to regain his stolen property.At this hearing SC 
Conte claimed under oath that he ,"knew nothing about computers."
The computer 'expert' claimed that merely turning on the laptop would alter 
thousands of files.Presumably the 'Ghost' copy was made from the 'switched 
on' laptop?
That there was ongoing US interest in this case is spelt out in FOI 
documents from the AFP and a statement from a psych nurse that the 
Americans had mentioned Extradition at the January meeting.The US 
authorities had earlier started to set up a grand jury and issued a 
subpoena in relation to a post allegedly made by the disabled suspect.
The evidence presented in the discovery is such that a quick move for 
dismissal with costs would be justified,should a (jury?) trial go ahead it 
is likely to be a long one with many questions to be answered about the 
various pressures to prosecute,possible tampered evidence,possible personal 
antipathy from the complainant.Mistakes made in the sworn brief of the 
complainant.The complainants history in a manifestly corrupt police 
force.(esp the drug squad.)
Why when drugs were found at the unit charges were not proceeded with?
Why have the police killed so many mentally ill people lately?
Where the proof that the person charged made the alleged threats is?
(The brief does not even show ISP records of the laptops being logged on 
the Net at the time of the alleged posts.)
This is the third cypherpunk trial in the ongoing struggle for genuine 
cryptoanarchy,the State demonstrates its weaknesses at these trials,if its 
weak then we can pump up the volume,if it overreacts then its grist for the 
publicity mill.The significance of this trial is even revealed by random 
It starts on Sept 11.

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