polygraphs, threats, lies from the Feds

Anonymous via the Cypherpunks Tonga Remailer nobody at cypherpunks.to
Tue Nov 26 13:11:20 PST 2002

mv at cdc.gov (Major Variola ret) writes:

> http://channels.netscape.com/ns/news/story.jsp?floc=FF-APO-1110&idq=/ff/story/0001%2F20021125%2F144140134.htm&sc=1110
> Agents Cleared in 9/11 Hotel Probe
> NEW YORK (AP) - An internal probe has cleared the FBI agents who
> obtained a false confession from a one-time suspect in the Sept. 11
> attacks. But the findings raise new questions about the reliability of
> lie-detector tests.
> The twin reports released Monday led U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff to
> drop his own investigation into the case of Abdallah Higazy.
> The Egyptian student was detained after investigators were told an
> aviation radio capable of communicating with commercial pilots was
> found in his New York hotel room overlooking the World Trade Center
> soon after Sept. 11.
> He was charged with lying to FBI agents during a polygraph examination
> in which he supposedly denied
> owning the radio and then later admitted it was his. But further
> investigation proved the radio actually belonged to a pilot, and the
> charges against Higazy were dropped.
> Higazy, 31, claimed he confessed only because the polygrapher
> threatened his relatives in Egypt.
> The review by the Justice Department's inspector general found no
> evidence to substantiate the claim and found ``no further action with
> respect to this matter is warranted.''
> But the review never explicitly explains why his test results would
> have indicated knowledge of the attacks, when authorities now say he
> was not involved.
> The reports say Higazy indicated deception when he answered no to
> the following questions: ``Did you take part in those attacks?'' and
> ``Were you involved in those attacks?''
> The inspector general's reports conclude that ``the polygraph was
> administered appropriately and that the results were properly read to
> indicate that Higazy was deceptive'' in questions about Sept. 11.
> The findings imply that Higazy may have confessed to owning the radio
> under the mistaken impression the admission would get him released
> from custody.
> U.S. Attorney James Comey said Monday he was ``very proud of the way
> our office and the FBI conducted itself in the Higazy case.''
> In releasing the reports, Rakoff questioned ``whether the government's
> continued reliance on such a doubtful investigatory tool as polygraph
> testing increases the possibility of false confessions.''

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