OPPOSE THE WAR! We are going to ruin Iraq to get the oil. Who's ne

Tyler Durden camera_lumina at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 20 06:36:24 PST 2002

"As to dangerous, I find that most of the people using violence in this
country are anti-drug, not pro."

Can't exactly agree with ya' here. Just watch COPS...most of those actually 
committing stupid crimes are apparently pro-Alchohol.

Pot? We can't have THAT be legalized now, or the CIA will lose a valuable 
source of covert action funding.

>From: Jim Choate <ravage at einstein.ssz.com>
>To: <cypherpunks at einstein.ssz.com>
>CC: Alif The Terrible <measl at mfn.org>
>Subject: Re: OPPOSE THE WAR! We are going to ruin Iraq to get the oil.     
>Who's ne
>Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2002 00:50:09 -0600 (CST)
>On Mon, 18 Nov 2002, Mike Diehl wrote:
> > As to drugs and employment.  I'm glad to see that you recognized that a
> > programer, like myself, has far fewer responsibilities than a (mere?)
> > babysitter.  But, I still don't want to go to work with someone who is 
> > on something.  When people are high, they are unpredictable, and 
> > dangerous.  Drugs are a form of escapism.
>That is complete and total bullshit. The fact -some- drugs have problems
>doesn't equate to -all- drugs.
>Further, people are unpredictable in and of themselves. Drugs or no drugs.
>As to dangerous, I find that most of the people using violence in this
>country are anti-drug, not pro.
>When was the last time a group of pot heads kicked anyones door down?
>  --
>     ____________________________________________________________________
>     We don't see things as they are,                      ravage at ssz.com
>     we see them as we are.                                   www.ssz.com
>                                                   jchoate at open-forge.org
>     Anais Nin                                         www.open-forge.org
>     --------------------------------------------------------------------

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