Cluelessness is Wrong

Eric Cordian emc at
Sat Jun 29 12:23:09 PDT 2002

"Anonymous" writes

> This shouldn't have to be said, but apparently it is necessary.

And even if it isn't, you're going to say it anyway, aren't you?

> Piracy - unauthorized copying of copyrighted material - is wrong.
> It inherently involves lying, cheating and taking unfair advantage
> of others.  Systems like DRM are therefore beneficial when they help to
> reduce piracy.  We should all support them, to the extent that this is
> their purpose.

Guess again.  All photons on my property are mine to decode and process as
I see fit.  By sending photons onto my property, you agree to these terms.

> When an artist releases a song or some other creative product to the
> world, they typically put some conditions on it.  If you want to listen
> to and enjoy the song, you are obligated to agree to those conditions.
> If you can't accept the conditions, you shouldn't take the creative work.

> The artist is under no obligation to release their work.  It is like a
> gift to the world.  They are free to put whatever conditions they like
> on that gift, and you are free to accept them or not.

Well, this post to Cypherpunks is my work.  The conditions I put on it are
that by reading it, anyone named "Anonymous" agrees to serve me until the
end of time, transfer to me all their worldly goods, and permit me to
sacrifice their firstborn to Baal.

> If you take the gift, you are agreeing to the conditions.  If you then
> violate the stated conditions, such as by sharing the song with others,
> you are breaking your agreement.  You become a liar and a cheat.

Like "Anonymous" here.

> This isn't complicated.  It's just basic ethics.  It's a matter of honesty
> and trust.  When someone makes you an offer and you don't find the terms
> acceptable, you simply refuse.  You don't take advantage by taking what
> they provide and refusing to do your part.  That's cheating.

Unsolicited free gifts are mine to keep.  I just got some lovely address
labels from a paralyzed baby-killers organization.  I plan to use them on
my mail, and not send them a dime.  Anyone else who wants to send me free
stuff, including photons, is free to do so.  They won't get a cent either.

Copyright should be abolished.  If you don't want your secrets, or
artistic works, copied and shared, you are free to keep them in a vault in
your basement, for your sole enjoyment.

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

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