Diffie-Hellman and MITM

Marcel Popescu mdpopescu at subdimension.com
Fri Jun 28 02:26:29 PDT 2002

From: "Mike Rosing" <eresrch at eskimo.com>

> > Is there a defense against MITM for Diffie-Hellman? Is there another
> > protocol with equivalent properties, with such a defense? (Secure
> > communications between two parties, with no shared secret and no
> > abilities, on an insecure network.)
> What do you mean by no shared secret?  The point of DH is that you
> get a shared secret.

I guess I should have said "no *previously* shared secret".

> Check out MQV protocol for MITM defense and forward secrecy.  It
> uses permenent public keys and ephemeral public keys for each
> session.  In any protocol, the out-of-band check of the public
> keys is still a "good thing".

Well... I assume an active MITM (like my ISP). He's able to intercept my
public key request and change it. Plus, I now realize I should have put an
even harder condition - no previously shared *information*, even if it's
public. I need to know if two complete strangers can communicate securely
over an insecure network, even if they communicate through an untrusted
party. Wasn't there a protocol for two prisoners communicating through an
untrusted guard?


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