Revenge of the WAVEoids: Palladium Clues May Lie In AMD Motherboard Design

Peter Gutmann pgut001 at
Thu Jun 27 07:15:57 PDT 2002

"R. A. Hettinga" <rah at> writes:

>WAVE, some of you might remember, was started by a former NatSemi Chairman
>back before the internet got popular. It was going to be a dial-up book-entry-
>to-the-screen content control system with special boards and chips patented to
>down to it's socks.

Think of it as DIVX for PCs, with a similar chance of success (see my earlier
post about TCPA being a dumping ground for failed crypto hardware initiatives
from various vendors).  Its only real contribution is that the WAVEoid board on
Ragingbull (alongside the Rambus one) is occasionally amusing to read, mostly
because it shows that the dot-com sharemarket situation would be better
investigated by the DEA than the FTC.


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