What's with all the spam?...

Adam Back adam at cypherspace.org
Wed Jun 12 07:39:16 PDT 2002

On Wed, Jun 12, 2002 at 07:58:49AM +0200, Tom wrote:
> speaking of unfiltered - I subscribed to ssz exactly because I don't
> want to have anyone moderating for me. however, the spam volume is
> deafening.
> is there a fee available that is filtered, but only for spam?

	cypherpunks-moderated at minder.net

is quite close to that.

The moderation policy is:

- obvious spam gets dropped.
- one-line pointers to news articles will tend to get dropped.
- news articles posted in full without comment will tend to get dropped.
- content will tend to get passed, even if it's off-the-wall
  (eg. Xenix Chainsaw Massacre). 
- submissions from high signal posters will tend to get passed.
- the list is read-only. submissions should go to cypherpunks at minder.net
  or another CDR node.
- cypherpunks at minder.net will remain unfiltered and unmoderated.
To subscribe, send the text "subscribe cypherpunks-moderated" to
majordomo at minder.net.

it's archived here:



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